Find your volunteering opportunities

Where do you want to go?

Think about which area of volunteering is closest to your heart.

Check out the map

Choose the organisation that best suits you from the map and contact it.

Enjoy the good feeling of helping others.

Volunteering is an integral part of your DofE journey, you'll be doing it every week for anywhere from 3 months at Bronze to 18 months at Gold level - it's up to you which level you choose. We want to help you get started, which is why we've created an online volunteering map. You'll find opportunities across the country, just zoom in on your location. But your choice is not limited to the organisations on this map. You can choose anything else, for example ask your leaders or dofaks from your centre about their experience. We are continually adding new locations to the map, so we would be delighted to have you add your opportunity to our map for future dofaks and dofacs.

After all, helping others and sharing with them is so rewarding!

Do you have a tip for volunteering? Drop us a line or add it to our map!

Do you know just the brief info, website or address?
Get in touch with us at and we'll figure out the rest.
If you know all the details, you can add it right away via this link.

What do you need?
- Brief description (what the volunteer opportunity is, who it is for and what activities volunteers can do)
- Address
- Website link (or registration form)
- Email to contact person
- Telephone number of the contact person
- The minimum age at which they accept volunteers. This is very important because the volunteers are between 14-24 years old.
- Or any other information and interesting facts

We apologize if our English is not perfect. Our pages are automatically translated using DEEPL Translator. If you notice any mistakes, please email us at, and we will address them promptly.
