After selecting the level, you can choose activities in each area (movement, skill and volunteering). On this page you will find lots of tips on how to choose the right one for you. 

You choose the activity yourself, your supervisor can also help you with the choice. You are then guided through the different areas by assessors. The assessor can be either the supervisor or an external person who understands the area best - so the supervisor does not have to be an expert in all areas. 


Requirements for selecting activities
  • The selected activity should not be too similar to activities selected in other areas (principle of balance).
  • Activities and targets should be chosen to allow for improvement throughout the time of the level. 

This area is used to develop physical fitness and motivate a healthy lifestyle. You can choose a physical activity you already do or start something new. The basic requirement is that the activity improves physical fitness. It doesn't have to be a sport (e.g. yoga) and you can't choose from all the world's sports (e.g. chess). Below you will find tips for physical activities and examples of how to set your goal correctly. 


  • In 20 minutes, I run up 10 flights of stairs in a row.
  • Run 5 km in 30 minutes.
  • Run at least 5 km in a row / 10 km in under 1 hour / 8 km in 45 minutes.
  • I will improve my time on the same 3.2 km route. Specifically, I would like to improve from 25 to 20 minutes. 

Jumping rope

  • Jump for 2 minutes at a time in different styles.
  • I'm gonna do 150 jumps a minute.


  • Walk the 4 km route with elevation gain in 40 min.
  • I walk 50,000 steps every week. In total, I walk 650,000 steps. 

Indian Run

  • I'll run/walk 5 km in an hour. At the moment I'm only walking 3 km.


  • Learn the basic steps and techniques in fencing.
  • Perfecting the technique with a two-handed sword.


  • Master basic boxing techniques along with improving physical fitness.
  • Learn the basics of self-defense.
  • Learn offense, defense, and focus on good footwork to get faster.

Krav Maga

  • Master the technique that is needed to get the belt.
  • Learn to defend yourself and increase physical fitness.

Ballroom dancing

  • Learn the basic steps of dances (e.g. Waltz, Tango, Waltz, Polka, Cha chu, Jive, Salsa...).
  • Get 50 points in Latin dance competitions.


  • Improving dance technique - balance, expression, increasing flexibility, leg rotation, ...
  • Preparation for final or public performances.

Folk/national dances

  • To learn the basics of folk dances and songs from a particular zone (e.g.: Podluží).

Dance choreography

  • To improve in choreographing for the role of animator of children's events.


  • Learn to flip backwards and do a cord to either side.


  • Learn three choreographies.


  • Master the push-up in the standing position.


  • Improve my shooting by shooting a minimum of 3 out of 5 arrows into the yellow center during each practice session.


  • Cycle a certain number of km (50 km,...).
  • Improve your time in a certain section.


  • Climb some difficulty bouldering or higher heights using rope (level 6, 7a, VII+ (UIAA)).

Horse riding

  • To drive a certain number of km in a period of performance (160 km, ...).


  • Learn the basic steps on a longboard, improve your riding.


  • Walk a certain number of km in the countryside (about 200-300 km).
  • Take a hiking trip to the countryside every week.

Roller skating

  • To improve my driving, to drive more than 65 km.


  • Reduce the number of throws from 30 to 15.

Individual training

  • Practice using the "Modern Girls Practice Online" cards.


  • Do 18 Englishmen in under two minutes.
  • Master 30 classic push-ups + 5 minutes of plank endurance.
  • Do at least 10 squats in a row and squat unassisted 90 kg on your back.
  • For Bulgarian squats I squat with 1,25 kg and I would like to raise it to 10-15 kg. For the lat pulldown I'm 21 kg and I'd like to get it up to 40 kg. I'd also like to do 5 pull-ups (I'm not doing any yet).

Rehabilitation of the back

  • Improve the angle of hyperkyphosis so that it is not necessary to wear a corset.


  • I can do 108 sun salutations in a row.
  • Learn the basics of meditation and improve movement flexibility.


  • Improved from 3500 to 7000 reps.


  • Upload 500 points on 100 rolls.


  • Improve the technique of the game.
  • Make 8/10 threes, shoot the basket.


  • To stay in the A-team in the senior category.


  • Swim 1500 meters in 60 minutes.
  • Swim a certain number of km without stopping in a certain style.


  • Achieve a total score of 120 points.

This area may deepen your existing interests, or it may reveal a hidden talent in something new. Activities are usually not physically demanding and include hobbies, craft or other work skills, social or individual activities or artistic pursuits. 

  • Read a certain number of books in a given language with full comprehension of the text.
  • Master a certain level in Duolingo.
  • Master a certain number of lessons in the textbook.
  • I will learn basic phrases for communicating with relatives without using a translator (until July).
  • Ability to communicate when visiting an English-speaking country (ordering food, finding directions, in a shop, etc.)
  • Read at least 3 books and one of them will be in English.
  • I'll be able to read one book a month.
  • Write a collection of short stories of a certain number of words/pages.
  • Evaluate each anime series and create comparison tables.
  • Create a complete building design.
  • Successfully complete (i.e., pass tests and assignments) the online courses Financial Markets (Yale university) and Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy (University of Virginia).
  • Program a website from scratch.
  • Use workshops to get better at video editing.
  • Master the Python programming course.
  • Improve in drawing people and human anatomy, buildings, shading, as well as in dexterity and patience. To organize an exhibition with their paintings.
  • To improve your diamond technique and create 3 paintings.
  • Learn 5 ceramic techniques.
  • Learn to carve a woman's body and skull.
  • Finish the model: M983 HEMTT and M901 Launching Station of MIM-104F Patriot SAM System.
  • I want to embroider two landscape paintings of 24x18cm.
  • Embroider three pictures on T-shirts 15×20 cm.
  • Knit 6 headbands.
  • Crochet a blanket, a cover, an animal.
  • I will sew a fabric Czech national flag, dimensions 1 m x 1,5 m. It will have eyelets with carabiners so that it can be hung on a flagpole.
  • Sew dresses, pants, ...
  • I will successfully complete the conditioning rides within 3 months, and be able to safely ride through the city.
  • I want to learn how to communicate with people with personality disorders.
  • Learn the queen's gambit for white, improve tactical acumen, basic knowledge of rook endings.
  • Learn two routines over the jump rope.
  • Improving marksmanship, learning about guns and the law.
  • Keep 3 balls in the air for 30 seconds.
  • To study the Red Army's WW2 medical system to such an extent that a presentation at public military-historical demonstrations is possible (+ the need to assemble a basic uniform).
  • Learn the basics of five new dances in this dance class.
  • Compose 5 lyrics and improve your singing.
  • Learn a certain number of songs of a given difficulty.
  • To master a given technique of a musical instrument - to change chords fluently, to play with both hands.
  • Create your own album of recordings of songs played by me at different levels.
  • Cook 5 dishes from foreign cuisine.
  • Bake macaroons with the right texture and colour of filling.
  • Cook a four-course menu without a recipe.
  • Renovate the Kart - new paint, repair brakes and steering.
  • Replace various parts in the Skoda Favorit and weld rusted areas.
  • With his father, he regularly repaired cars and recorded his findings.
  • Teach the dog basic commands.
  • Light a match with the nunchaku.

Your volunteering activity can help others, the environment or contribute to improving your local community. It should be a meaningful activity that you find fulfilling and enjoyable. There is no need to set a measurable goal for volunteering as a single area. Not sure where to fulfil your volunteering activity? No problem! Check out our maps of volunteering

Helping the teacher 

  • Assist in the after-school/mother's school/circle with the preparation of the children's program. 


  • Tutor a classmate/friend in the subject. 
  • Help with preparing for the high school entrance exam. 
  • Coaching a classmate/friend in sports (swimming, weight training...)/hooking/guitar playing/character speech.

Assistant in the furniture design office

  • The goal is to help with projects to get them done on time while working on self-development.

Origami folding lessons

  • Teach children to fold different origami.

Helping the elderly

  • Helping seniors with yard work and shopping.
  • Attend the Senior Home to spend quality time with the seniors and play games.
  • Helping Ukrainian families understand and better integrate into Czech society and improve their communication skills in our language.

Help in the children's home

  • Help in the home, mostly with young children or as part of school duties.


  • Perform canister therapy with affected persons.
  • Spend time with the child with a disability to allow the family free time for their activities.

Buddy programme

  • To work on a mini project, to prepare Czech-Ukrainian glossaries to help overcome the language barrier in my studies.
  • To help them integrate into a new school, learn how to strengthen properly and get to know each other better.

Food delivery

  • Food distribution to the needy.

Emergency Services/Volunteer Firefighters

  • Regularly visit volunteer fire departments and learn to know the equipment on fire trucks.

Programme for the long-term sick

  • Organising a programme at the University Hospital Brno for long-term sick children.

Help with the production of products for the school charity fair/charity

  • Bake for a charity buffet.


  • Crochet products for the non-profit organization Nedoklubko.


  • Withdraw 7 000 CZK in the DofE buffet.

Editing videos for Mary's Meals

  • Successfully provide assistance to the charity in editing content for social media.


  • Minister not only at Sunday Mass, but also in the morning and on other occasions.

Leadership of the children's group of the Sokol sports union

  • Development of children's physical fitness.

Leader (student / sports club) and Work with children (DDM, Scout, Circle)

  • Learning to work with children and to devise a programme for them.
  • Assisting leaders with younger members.

Assistant to the local centre manager/coordinator

  • Assist with the preparation and organization of meetings.

Promoting proper waste disposal

  • Work in the school Eco Team and prepare activities related to it.

Local nature conservation association

  • Help in the Veronica Foundation shop - cleaning, sorting things, ...

Cleaning events

  • Garbage collection from various locations.

Nature Rescue

  • Help with planting flowers and greenery.

Website management

  • Social media management for organizations, individuals, or newcomers to the industry.

Municipal Chronicle

  • To add weekly entries to the municipal chronicle.

Information videos on YouTube

  • Through videos on my YouTube channel, I will share information on psychology, literature and history among students, and get at least 100 followers by August.

Basic first aid

  • Develop information on prevention of civilisation diseases for awareness raising at school.

Help in the hospital

  • Volunteer at the Children's Hospital Brno, on the oncology ward, diversifying the day for children (games, tutoring).

Help in the care centre

  • Visit a hospice/home for the elderly regularly and find out through various activities what this work entails.

Zoo Vyškov

  • Being helpful at the zoo.

Horse care

  • Regularly do studding, hoof cleaning and mucking out.

Help in the shelter

  • Help the dogs and facilitate the work in the shelter.

Caring for therapy animals

  • Keep therapy animals clean, fed and healthy.

This area will provide you with a unique, challenging and unforgettable experience. An expedition is a group activity that takes you out of your comfort zone. It is one of the opportunities to explore new places and push yourself beyond your physical limits. An expedition with a pre-arranged purpose is undertaken by a small team in an unfamiliar environment. 

An expedition always has a purpose, for example mapping forgotten places, collecting plants for the herbarium or climbing the entire navigable section of the river

It awaits you if you choose to fulfill gold level DofE. You'll meet new people and use the knowledge and skills you've gained in other areas of the DofE. You'll go to a place you don't know and do something interesting and meaningful. You could go on a camp, an educational placement or perhaps take part in a volunteering project.

You can find the tutorial "How to do a residential project" HERE.

Type: Brontosaurus Movement
Location: Sudetenland
Target: saving the original German cemetery

Type: Youth info (
Location: France
Target: work in a shelter for handicapped animals

Type: suburban camps
Location: Prague
Target: work with children

  • POV: Plníš DofE! Popiš své plnění jedním slovem v komentářích! 💅🤩 A pokud si s námi poprvé, vše se dozvíš.🤭#dofeczech
  • Hledáš expedici nebo rezidenční projekt? 🌱🥾Co takhle vyrazit s námi za dobrodružstvím do Finska? 🇫🇮 Hledáme 8 účastníků ve věku 13 – 20 let, kteří se připojí k mezinárodní skupině mladých lidí ze 2 – 3 různých zemí! 🌍Co tě čeká?Outdoorové aktivity – turistika a přenocování v přírodě. 🗺️Týmové aktivity na rozvoj leadershipu, týmové práce. 🤝Kreativní workshopy a prostor pro sebevyjádření. 🤹Hry a výzvy na posílení odvahy a sebedůvěry. 🚀Natoč video na téma Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a pojeď s námi do Finska! 🔗 Jak se zapojit? Veškeré informace, infopack a přihlášku najdeš na
  • DofE + Mary’s Meals = dobrovolnictví, které dává smysl! 🌍🤲V DofE letos uzavíráme partnerství s organizacemi, které dofákům a dofačkám nabízí příležitost pro dobrovolnictví. 💙Díky spolupráci DofE s @marysmealscz můžeš přispět k tomu, aby děti v nejchudších částech světa měly každý den školní jídlo –⁠ a tím i šanci na vzdělání a lepší budoucnost.Jak se zapojit? 👇Jednoduše! Pomáhej tak, jak tě to baví – osvětou, benefiční akcí nebo jinou aktivitou, která má smysl. 🗣️🤹‍♀️🤲Chceš vědět víc?🧠 Zjistíš na webu, odkaz najdeš v linktree.
  • Dnes slaví své 61. narozeniny princ Edward, vévoda z Edinburghu! 👑Jako dlouholetý podporovatel mladých lidí převzal po svém otci, princi Philipovi, nejen titul vévody z Edinburghu, ale také vedení programu DofE. Sám je držitelem zlaté ceny a aktivně se podílí na rozvoji DofE po celém světě.We wish Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, all the best on his 61st birthday! 🎉📸 z návštěvy v Praze 2023#dukeofedinburgh
  • S DofE zjistíš, kým chceš být! ⭐Zažij nezapomenutelné dobrodružství, level-upni svoje skills a ukaž světu, co v tobě je. Vyber si, co tě baví. Pomáhej, objevuj a překonávej svoje limity. 🚀Mrkni na a jdi do toho! 🔥 #DofEprovsechny
  • Leden? Trial month. Únor? Moc krátký na velké změny. Ale je tady březen 🚀… ⬇️Ambasadorská Akademie DofE 📣, program pro dofáky, kteří chtějí být v DofE aktivnější, získat nové zkušenosti a posunout se dál! Minulý rok jsme odstartovali pilotní ročník s 20 ambasadory z celé ČR.Co Akademie obnáší?🧠✅ 3 trimestry zaměřené na prezentaci, komunikaci a projektový  management✅ projekt probíhá jako online lekce✅Nejen teorie, ale i praktické úkoly ✅ Setkání s inspirativními lidmi✅ Budování Alumni komunityV lednu jsme se s ambasadory potkali poprvé naživo, ocenili jejich práci za první trimestr, ale hlavně vznikla nová přátelství. 🤝💖Děkujeme mockrát  @cinnabon_czsk za skvělé zázemí a občerstvení! 💙✨ Brzy spustíme přihlášky! Chceš být součástí?  👉Sleduj nás, ať ti nic neuteče! 👀 Více informací najdeš i na #dofeczech#dukeofedinburgh
  • Bylo to krátké a bylo toho hodně!🔥Únorový #DofEphotodump je tady!A co jsme vše zvládli?1. Mezinárodní meet-up vedoucích v Praze.2. - 3. Tour de regionální ceremonie v plném proudu....🗺️🎖️4. Programový tým na Konferenci pro wellbeing ve škole 2025 v Brně!🔥5. Meet-up na Gymnáziu Holice.6. Máme nové kartičky na odznáčky!🤩7. Expediční školení v Brně! ( už se nám to pomalu blíží) 🗺️🥾Potkali jsme se celkem na 11 ceremoniích v 8 regionech! V březnu pokračujeme v jízdě! ➡️🎖️Poděl se s námi o tvůj DofE měsíc. Šablonu najdeš ve stories.#dofeczech#dofe#dukeofedinburgh
  • 🍪 Charity Bake Sale 2025: Svačinu nech doma! 🎂DofE není jen o výzvách, ale i o srdci! 🥰 Pojďme společně oslavit dva roky od jmenování patrona DofE, prince Edwarda, vévodou z Edinburghu – a to skvělým jídlem a dobrým skutkem! 🎉 Přidejte se k #CharityBakeSale2025, upečte něco dobrého a pomozte těm, kdo to nejvíc potřebují! 💜👩‍🍳 Jak na to?🍰 Domluvte se ve svém DofE centru a přihlašte se 👉🍰 Upečte sladké nebo slané dobroty.🍰 Uspořádejte dobročinný prodej u vás ve škole/DofE centru.🍰 Výtěžek věnujte charitě podle vašeho výběru.📅 Kdy? 10. března 2025 (nebo kdykoliv v dalším týdnu, pokud máte jarní prázdniny).📍 Kde? U vás ve škole/DofE centru!📸 Sdílejte fotky a videa s tagem @dofeczech!Jdete do toho? 💜 Napište do komentářů, co plánujete upéct! 👇
  • Není čas polevovat. Platí hlavně pro zlaté účastníky! ⭐️😉 Týdny rychle utíkají a léto se pomalu blíží…#dofeczech#dukeofedinburgh

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