Dear leaders and coordinators. Have you completed the training and started the DofE program at your centres? If so, the question of where to get funding for the program may have crossed your mind. If you think you don't have enough resources to develop a DofE center at your institutions, this page gives you a brief overview of where to get support for your work. You and your friends definitely deserve it. 

OP JAK - New EU Operational Programme to support education in the Czech Republic 2022-2025

Updated project information Templates for Kindergartens and Primary Schools II a Templates for secondary schools and colleges II.

The full schedule of applications is HERE.

Secondary schools and colleges can apply from 1 September 2024 to 28 November 2025

Primary schools can apply from 1 September 2024 to 30 September 2025

Project implementation period 24 - 36 months.

This project is also known as "templates". Educational institutions can receive funding for "innovative education" through the Ministry of Education. Innovative education means the linking of formal and non-formal education (e.g. through a DofE programme). Funding can be used for joint meetings during the school year, DofE club, teacher (DofE leader) awards, training, expeditions, etc. More information can be found at

For a brief guide on how to apply in a project right at the DofE, see HERE.


As part of our long-term cooperation with regions and cities, we have concluded memoranda with some of them providing financial support for institutions involved in DofE. This enables the school to draw funding for the DofE programme directly from the founder. The application process is not complicated and obtaining funding for schools is relatively easy. Please contact for detailsto their regional managers.

  • South Bohemia region: The subsidy of CZK 10 000 is only for institutions established by the region.
  • Liberec region: The county has an allocated amount of CZK 100,000/year, which it distributes evenly among the participating organisations established by the county.
  • Central Bohemia region: The subsidy of CZK 15 000 is only for institutions established by the region.
  • Karlovy Vary Region: The subsidy of CZK 10 000 is only for institutions established by the region.
  • Ústí region: The subsidy of CZK 15 000 is only for institutions established by the region.
  • Pardubice Region: Financial support for institutions established by the region according to the specific application, the granting of support is the responsibility of the Councillor for Education.
  • Hradec Králové RegionSupport of CZK 15,000 for institutions established by the region.
  • Highlands Region: From 2023, support for each participating contributory organisation of the Vysočina Region in the amount of CZK 20,000.
  • Olomouc RegionA: Reimburse institutions established by the county for the annual fee for delivering the DofE programme.
  • Moravian-Silesian Region: The amount of CZK 15 000 is intended for institutions established by the region.
  • Prague Region: A contributory organisation can apply for a contribution towards the delivery of the DofE programme (licence fee, local centre development, etc.).
  • Municipality of Brno: It provides support from CZK 10 000 for primary and secondary schools in Brno.
  • Zlín region: The minimum subsidy of CZK 10 000 is only for institutions established by the region.
  • City of Humpolec: In June 2023, a Memorandum of Cooperation was concluded, the city financially supports the organizations involved according to the agreement.


Mladá Boleslav, Rychnov and Kvasiny 

Škoda Auto - The Škoda Auto Foundation aims to support the development of its home regions - Mladoboleslavska, Kvasinska and Vrchlabskaand help where it's needed. But we don't limit ourselves to providing financial assistance - we help financially, for example by offering training or helping to establish partnerships. It is possible to apply for a training grant (DofE) through the Grants Challenge. More at


You can also draw funding from our DofE Social Fund. The fund can be used to support socially disadvantaged participants, support leaders or develop DofE centres.

We apologize if our English is not perfect. Our pages are automatically translated using DEEPL Translator. If you notice any mistakes, please email us at, and we will address them promptly.
