Published: 07.10.2019

News from the DofE National Centre for all programme leaders and coordinators.
For information on mandatory registration for the ceremonies, please visit the Calendar section.

Short news are also available in English here >>


The autumn will be packed with ceremonies, the first of which is coming up at the end of this month. So don't forget to sign up for the Gold and Silver Ceremonies. More information can be found in the Calendar section, below.

In addition, we would like to ask you to participate in an international survey that is very important for identifying the impact of the DofE programme on participants and leaders. If you take part, you could win a unique DofE tin, so don't hesitate. The research will take you 20 minutes >>

In November, the DofE Social Fund will launch its autumn call for proposals, in which your participants, you and your school can receive funding for DofE activities. We will keep you informed of the details in the coming weeks.

Did you know that next year the DofE will celebrate its 25th anniversary in the Czech Republic? So you can look forward to interesting events throughout 2020 and, of course, a meeting of all DofE leaders. In connection with this meeting, we ask you to complete the following survey, which will take no more than 2 minutes. >>


DofE story

Across Czechoslovakia

In August, the DofE coordinators from Gymnasium Varnsdorf and Rumburk decided to combine their passion for cycling and DofE. Their aim was to cycle across historic Czechoslovakia from west to east to celebrate the belated 100th anniversary of the founding of the republic and to tell those they meet along the way about the DofE. According to their words, it was a great trip with minimal costs, swimming in rivers and sleeping under the open sky. It was challenging, but it WAS WORTH IT!

Thanks to Stand Hock, Mark Winter and their friends for their initiative and beautiful representation of the DofE.

DofE Club

The DofE Club invites all DofE participants and alumni to its events. Already 17 October will take place in Prague Board games evening. You can also motivate your Dofaks to take part in the autumn weekend on the following dates 8-10 November in Olomouc. At the weekend they can look forward to dating games, exploring the city and workshops. Registration and all information about the upcoming events can be found on the club's website

On the website you will also find an interview with the first honorary member of the DofE Club, Tonda from Thailand, who spent last school year in the Czech Republic and won the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award.


New videos

On our YouTube channels DofE Award Czech Republic and also DofE guides and tips Now you will find a set of four videos designed to help participants review some basic expedition training, even the night before the expedition. We would be delighted if you would share and use these videos.


We remind you that it was opened binding registration for the Golden Ceremony. For mandatory registration, one form must always be filled in by the coordinator (information on who from your institution's staff and management will attend the ceremony) and the other form must be filled in by the individual participants themselves.
Form for registration of leaders and coordinators for the Golden Ceremony fill in here:
Form for registration of participants for the Golden Ceremony send out to all participants from your local center who will be attending this year's Golden Ceremony. Link here:

Both forms must be completed no later than October 15.

At the same time, we are also opening Binding registration for Silver Ceremonies.
Click here to fill out the form for leaders and coordinators to register for the Silver Ceremony:
Send the Silver Ceremony Participant Registration Form to all participants from your local center who will be attending this year's Silver Ceremony. Link here:

Both forms must be completed no later than October 21.

Date Events Location
16.10. Basic training  Brno
17.10. Expedition training  Brno
31.10. Golden Ceremony  Prague
6.11. Silver Ceremonies  Prague
19.11. Basic training  Prague
20.11. Expedition training  Prague
25.11. Bronze ceremonies  Brno
5.12. Bronze ceremony  Ostrava
12.12. Bronze ceremonies  Prague
17.12. Bronze ceremonies  Prague

Registration for the training can be found here >>

You can also download the short reports in pdf in Czech >>

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