Published: 06.03.2025

Higher level of German language, improvement of basketball jumping and sports training for volunteer firefighters - these are the goals of eighteen-year-old David Tomek from Žďár nad Sázavou in the DofE. He completed all of them and now, together with fifty other DofE students, he has received his bronze badge and certificate.

"I've been playing basketball since I was a kid, so I chose to improve my jumper as a sporting activity," says David. Thanks to the DofE, he also discovered new exercises for plyometrics (note: training explosiveness and strength in sport), which even now, after completing his bronze level, help him a lot in his basketball training. As part of his volunteering, the student developed his experience working with children in sports training for volunteer firefighters.

"The DofE programme is a great motivation to start achieving different goals that we don't have as much time for as we would like in our everyday lives. I personally learned how to work with time," adds the student of the Secondary School of Industry in Žďár nad Sázavou.

Účastník programu DofE David Tomek z Vysočiny.

Its DofE head Eva Jarošová Heroldová describes that the Žďár Secondary School of Industry got involved to offer its students not only quality education, but also the opportunity to develop in areas that interest them and will help them in the future.

"As a program leader, I have the opportunity to watch students develop, overcome challenges and discover their strengths and weaknesses. For them, this means stepping out of their comfort zone, at least for a while. It's interesting to be there to help them set goals and see them work towards them," she adds.

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