Fulfilling the DofE is harder than it first appears 

Nela Večeřová joined the DofE at the Labská Primary School in Brno shortly after she met the minimum age for the programme,......read more


Thanks to DofE I learned to work better with time 

A higher level of German, improved basketball skills and sports training for volunteer firefighters - these are the goals of the DofE......read more

Magdaléna Ryjáčková s dalšími účastníky programu DOFE.

I would never have believed that I would meet my goals, but I did! 

The DofE ambassador Magdaléna Ryjáčková also came to the ceremony in Tábor to receive her bronze badge and certificate. On the programme, she mainly appreciates......read more


I have discovered my inner strength and patience, which are pushing me further 

High school student Adéla Sporyszová completed her second level in DofE. After the bronze, she also reached the silver level and at the Zlín......read more


I'm not as big an introvert as I thought, Ema Blanka Brychtová found out thanks to DofE

Seventeen year old Ema Blanka Brychtová in DofE after completing the bronze level immediately headed to the gold level. She earned her bronze badge and certificate......read more


After completing the DofE, I am not afraid to overcome life's various obstacles 

Eighteen-year-old DofE student Patricia Krenarová discovered a love of cooking and exercise thanks to the DofE. Now, for completing the silver level, she has taken the......read more

Michaela Brucknerová s vedoucí programu DofE.

DofE gave me a huge confidence boost, Michaela Bruckner looks back 

Nearly eighty young people received their awards and badges for completing the DofE at the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec. Among them......read more

Pavla Melchusová s vedoucí programu DofE,

Thanks to DofE I can organize my time better, says bronze medallist Pavla Malchusová

At the DofE, we organise bronze and silver ceremonies virtually all over the country during February and March. In Ústí nad Labem, you will receive your badge......read more


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