Published: 07.01.2025

Seventeen years old Tomas Kubalek Currently waiting for his first bronze ceremony. He will receive his certificate and badge in March. Student of Prague Secondary industrial schools in Prosek has chosen as his skill goal "build a functional and fast robot to sprint". It not only fulfilled, ale with his robot he even participated in an international competition in Estonia. His is over v strong competition of almost forty machines Fourth. 

Tomas, you have chosen "build a functional and fast robot for sprinting" as your goal for the bronze level DofE skill. Why this goal? 

I had the project with the robot already slightly broken. And it seemed like a great idea to continue it more through DofE.  

What does such a robot construction actually look like?  

I knew from the beginning that I wanted to participate in the Robotex International competition in Estonia. I chose the category "LineFollower". It's actually about following a line, rThe obot has to drive as fast as possible through the track marked with a black line on the field. 

According to references from competitors and some other suggestions, I tried to invent my own robot. Then I worked on and gradually developed a 3D model for 3D printing, then a PCB with a microprocessor and sensors for line tracing. I then uploaded the code into the built robot so it could track the line. Finally, I made molds for rubber wheels and cast those with varying degrees of softness. 

After the first "revival" of the robot there were problems, of course. So I then tweaked the code to make it traverse the track as fast and accurately as possible.

So you actually used what you learn in school to build the robot. What was the most challenging part of the process? 

Probably soldering of small components, mainly microprocessor, which is electrostatically sensitive. I also spent a lot of time modifying the code to make the robot run as well as possible.  

Only the Romanian robots were better 

You took your robot to a competition in Estonia. How do you actually compete in the LineFollower category?  

The robot is tasked with traversing a clearly marked route along a black line in the fastest possible time. The Tallinn route in particular included various types of turns, crossings, loops and two straights. So the robot had to be prepared for every aspect of the track.  

You chose a category with quite a lot of competition, there were 37 of you in total. Congratulations on your fourth place! 

Thanks a lot. At the competition itself it was great to see a lot of enthusiastic people from the industry, for example from India, China, Japan, USA, France or Saudi Arabia. But for me, the team from Romania was the crucial one to beat. They had three almost identical robots overall. And so I finished behind them in fourth place. But I still consider it a great success and I know what to improve for next time.  

He even used support from the DofE Fund for his robot. How did it help you? 

The DofE has been very supportive and I am very grateful for that. I used the money for motors and filament (note: basic material for printing on a 3D printer) for printed parts. I have really used both. It helped me a lot and thank you for the support! 

At the end of last year you achieved bronze in the DofE. What actually led you to join the programme? 

I like a challenge. And when I found out what I could do within the DofE, I immediately jumped in. For example, we went behind the scenes at the Žižkov Tower with the DofE, which was incredible.  

DofE is a great experience 

What goals have you set in other areas - movement and volunteering? And how did you do in each area?  

In the area of exercise, I set myself the goal of running and I was diligent in fulfilling it. I wasn't so sure about volunteering, so I chose to help out my parents and grandparents. I designed and then 3D printed various car or household parts on a 3D printer.  

How do you feel about the whole bronze level performance? What did it give you?  

It was a great experience, I met new people. And I would say that it has pushed me a bit further, I am a bit more disciplined and I know what I am capable of now.  

You've got a bronze ceremony coming up in the spring. Will you continue in the DofE? 

I'm sure. Right after completing the bronze level I signed up for the silver level and I'm looking forward to completing it. I'd like to resume what I'm doing now - building robots. And see where I go from there.  

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