Published: 07.09.2020

News from the DofE National Centre for all programme leaders and coordinators.


Browse Annual Report 2019 and find out our results for the past year. In the annual report you can also read SROI research resultswhich measured the economic value of DOFE impacts. Among other things, the research confirmed that participation in the DOFE programme positively affects participants' employability and earnings, improves their mental and physical wellbeing and increases their activity in charitable and community activities.

At DOFE Leader Camp (DLC) a varied programme awaits you. On Saturday after arrival there will be group games, dinner together and sharing of experiences. On Sunday, you can look forward to a lecture by Pavel Wieser from Topvision, who will introduce storytelling and give you advice on how to get your surroundings excited about your thoughts and ideas. This will be followed by a workshop with regional managers, after which those interested can go on a small adventure expedition that will last until Monday. Others are expected to leave around 3pm. A questionnaire regarding food preferences and more will be sent to all those who sign up during September. 

Due to the desire to simplify DOFE communication in the Czech environment, we have decided to use of the abbreviation DOFE instead of the original DofE. We firmly believe that using this acronym will be easier for you and our participants.

We are very happy that our website is now also available in English. You can take a look at it here. We would be very happy if you could recommend it to your English-speaking colleagues.

DOFE in the Czech Republic, like the international organisation IAF, aims to ensure that all young people could comply with the DOFE indiscriminately. Our common strategy is to enable young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter and successfully complete the programme. For this reason it is possible for the DOFE Coordinator to request the National Center to waive the ORB application fee. For more information please find at this link.
Get expedition equipment from Husky at a discount


Planning an expedition and need new equipment? We have great news for you! We managed to arrange the already announced cooperation with Husky, which produces quality equipment suitable for your school and private expeditions. You can enjoy discounts of up to 50 % off the entire Husky range.
This gives you the opportunity to replenish not only your local centres, but also to buy things for yourself and your loved ones. If you are interested in a discount, please email us at and we will send you a discount coupon with a unique code during September. The event starts on 21 September and runs until 31 October. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
We cooperate with the Partnership Foundation
Help us plant trees

Are you looking for volunteer activities for yourself, your DOFE participants or the whole school? How about trying environmental care? We have newly started to cooperate with the ecological Partnership Foundation, which aims to contribute to a healthy future for the Czech Republic and Europe and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Take a look at short videowhere the Partnership Foundation will introduce itself to you. V this pdf then you will find instructions on how to plant a tree.
Plus, thanks to grant programme Your school can be a green oasis too until 31. 10. apply for financial support designed not only for planting trees. You can use this grant to revitalise a school park, restore an orchard or create an herb garden, for example. The minimum amount of the grant is CZK 25 000 and the maximum amount is CZK 140 000.
On the occasion of the celebration of the 31st anniversary of the restoration of Czechoslovak democracy, we also cordially invite you to planting the traditional Avenue of Freedom in wine-growing Šatov near Znojmo.
DOFE story
After completing the DOFE program I was #WorldReady


"When I was 16 years old, studying at a British university was more of a dream, but thanks to DOFE this dream has come true. I went from a small-town grammar school in Moravia to the University of Southampton in England and studied three foreign languages. Many people around me discouraged me from this goal and told me not to be a dreamer, that it was unrealistic with my background, but I didn't want to believe them and started working on myself through DOFE." What Petr is doing today and how he built a successful career thanks to DOFE in this interview.


  • 26. - 27. 9. - DOFE Leader Camp, hotel Skalský Dvůr, Vysočina
  • 7. 10. - Basic training, Prague
  • 8. 10. - Expedition training, Prague
  • 21. 10. - The Golden Ceremony, Prague

You can register for the training at our website.

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