Published: 26.04.2019

During April we organised a series of Meet Up events for all DofE leaders and coordinators. The first one took place on 2 April in Ústí nad Labem, the second one took place on 4 April in Prague and the final one, which took place on 11 April, welcomed leaders in Brno.

The main purpose was to provide a place for DofE leaders and coordinators to discuss what works and what doesn't work in their DofE and, most importantly, a space to give each other advice and talk about the joy that DofE brings them. In total, over 40 leaders and coordinators from different regions attended.

To make the programme more interesting, a short lecture was prepared by the Lipnice Holiday School, which focused on how to motivate and work with a team. This is because many leaders often face the problem of participants not completing the DofE programme because they lose their motivation. The regional managers of the respective regions were on site to advise on any uncertainties and also to provide information on new developments and the future of the DofE.

We want to continue to nurture our leaders and coordinators, because we know that without them, the DofE in the Czech Republic could not be as successful as it is today. So we look forward to the next Meet Up, perhaps in your region.

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