Published: 28.01.2019

Zdeněk (16) is doing his DofE at one of our local centres in Zlín. As part of his volunteering, he decided to interview his classmate Barbara - and the interview went very well!

What activities do you do within the Silver level?

As a talent I play the flute,in sports I do karate and in volunteering I sew animals for charity.

Did you choose an activity in a category that you were already doing before the DofE?

Yes, I've been doing karate for 4 years now and I've been playing flute since I was 3 years old, but there is still room for improvement.

I was intrigued by the choice in volunteering, why sewing stuffed animals?

Especially because the stuffed animals can be auctioned off after they are given to charity and the organization that organizes these auctions supports children in Bangladesh with the profits.

What has been the biggest challenge for you so far?

Overall, the DofE programme has been a challenge and a kind of life experience for me, but the biggest challenge for me so far has been (and still is) getting my brown belt in karate. For this level of karate, the exams are quite difficult and a lot of people are not able to pass them straight away.

What has been your best experience in the DofE so far, whether it was completing activities or going on an adventure expedition?

There were a lot of experiences from the expedition, both training and sharp, and overall I enjoyed them mainly thanks to a great group of people. However, I enjoyed the auction of items the most so far, including my stuffed animals, which I participated in as a hostess, along with my two friends who were willing to help me out.

 What does the DofE mean to you?

DofE is for me an activity that I do in my spare time, pushing my limits, but on the other hand I am improving my hobbies, helping children who need it, taking away a lot of experience and experiences and most importantly I am doing the program in a team of great people with whom I really get along and that is what I enjoy most about the DofE program. 

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