Published: 06.09.2021

The Czech-Slovak DofE Academy is a creative online leadership training for active and passionate teachers leading DofE programmes to help them take their students and themselves to the next level and improve their work in the offline and online world.

During the three workshops, participants will gain skills useful not only for the DofE but also for everyday working life. In addition, they will share their experiences together with their Slovak colleagues involved in the DofE programme. The workshops take place online from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. The cost of the whole series of courses is CZK 1,000 per participant.

The Academy is prepared in cooperation with the DofE Slovak National Office thanks to financial support from the Award Covid-19 Recovery Fund and the International Award Foundation.

What will the DofE Czech-Slovak Online Academy give me?

The Academy brings 3 elements in which you will have the opportunity to develop:

  • Understanding and confidence in leading the DofE programme in both online and offline environments.
  • Use of selected online tools within the DofE and also in online learning.
  • Motivating students and colleagues: how to make the most of young people's potential?

How will the Czech-Slovak online academy DofE work?

The Academy consists of three one-day seminars, which are held several weeks to months apart. The three workshops are:

  • How to inspire enthusiasm in students? Become an expert on student motivation and engagement in the DofE. Together we will explore student motivations and barriers. We'll put in place the right tools to work with them, not just when recruiting DofE participants.
  • How to make the most of the potential of young people? Become a communication expert and support young people in achieving their goals. Explore the participant journey through the DofE programme. We will explore the pitfalls participants face and the tools to overcome them. We will learn about ongoing motivation techniques and the principles of respectful communication.
  • How to activate the school, colleagues, young people or parents? Become an expert in deepening relationships with the community. We'll improve your leadership skills and help you manage the coordination of DofE and other projects with ease. We'll show you how to create a school-wide DofE community.

All those who complete all three seminars will become graduates of the Czech-Slovak Online Academy DofE.

Who is the Czech-Slovak Online Academy DofE for?

Participation in the Academy is recommended for all DofE coordinators and managers in local centres in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The content of the DofE Czech-Slovak Online Academy leads to a deep understanding of working with participants, with colleagues in the DofE team and with other colleagues and the school/organisation as a whole.

How much does the Czech-Slovak online academy DofE cost?

Participation in the Academy is largely covered by grants and contributions from our partners. The DofE school/local centre pays a contribution of CZK 1,000 per participant for the entire DofE Academy.

When will the seminars take place?

Become an expert in motivating and engaging students in the DofE


Become a communication expert and support young people in achieving their goals


Become an expert in deepening relationships with the community

Dates for spring 2022 are in the works. Dates will be provided to registered leaders in due course.

Are you interested in participating in the Czech-Slovak online academy DofE?

Fill in the application form.

Choose the date of the 1st and 2nd seminar that suits you best. You can rely on the dates 100%. In your confirmation email, always before the training, you will receive a link to the online connection along with additional information. Registration for the dates of the 3rd seminar will open in December 2021, and we will inform you of this with the registration form we will send you at the end of the calendar year.

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