The Czech Republic has had a representative on the International Council, the highest ever body of the DofE, for almost three years. Twenty-four-year-old Eliška Křížová was elected to the role of Emerging Leader in 2022. How does she assess her role? What has it given her and what has she learnt from fulfilling the DofE?
This is your third and last year in the role of Emerging Leader, now called International Youth Representative. Can you please explain what this is all about?
At the international level of the DofE, we have a total of eight Young Leaders (two per region) who represent the programme participants on the International Board. My colleague Aybüke and I represent the European, Arab and Mediterranean countries (i.e. the EMAS region). In addition, we do advocacy work during the year, meeting participants and representing the organisation at international events.
So you're a member of the so-called International Council. What does this role entail?
The International Council meets in person once a year and sometimes online during the year. It is the DofE's highest body for deciding overall global strategy and is attended by HRH Prince Edward. During meetings we often enter into discussions as Youth Representatives, bringing our views and points for discussion. We therefore help decide the overall strategy of the organisation. These meetings are very intense for us as leaders, even outside of the official meetings, as it is the only week of the year when all eight of us meet in person. For example, in November we were in Scotland where, in addition to the meetings, we also debated in the Scottish Parliament, visited local DofE centres or spent a day with local ambassadors and participants.
So what topics have you been addressing or bringing to the table recently?
The most common theme among European participants is the interest in the international community. For us, the community has moved to LinkedIn and we have held focus groups to find ways to improve it as much as possible. We also created a clear structure for our role and adapted the application process for the elections - the previous system was not as inclusive. Now anyone can apply, even without nominating a local office, as was previously the case.
At international events, we network with other organizations in the region and regularly discuss with representatives of the Big 6, the largest global youth organizations. We are also active in Global Youth Mobilization, which engages young people in solving global challenges. Conversely, non-European participants most frequently mention the need for greater participation of young people, better accessibility of DofE in more remote regions and greater inclusion.
While I can't share specific points from the International Council, feedback from participants has always gone where it should - whether in team discussions, at regional conferences, or internationally. That's why it's great to follow the community on LinkedIn. There are often opportunities there to get more involved or even attend offline events with us.
It is clear to me that in almost two and a half years in this role you have gained a lot of experience. But if you could single out just three that have been the most powerful, the most interesting or the most enriching for you. What would they be?
I'm sure the first thing that comes to mind is my entire team. Even though we are all from different parts of the world, we have become best friends and working alongside each other is simply the best thing this role could have brought me. And I wish this experience for everyone! Of the other experiences, the one that springs to mind is hosting an evening for HRH Prince Edward, his wife and major donors. The singer Lulu also performed at the end and the evening simply had everything it could have had.
A hike out of the comfort zone that is not available elsewhere
What actually led you to apply for this role?
In general, I like to try new things and often I don't think about them too much. But then I got a call late in the evening from Verča from the Czech DofE office. She told me that the elections were opening and encouraged me to give it a try. I could be very ambitious, but if I didn't have these great people around me, I would never have got this far.
Your mandate is slowly coming to an end and currently dofacs and dofacs can apply for your position as International Youth Representatives. Why do you think they should try?
Because it's going to shift them as individuals incredibly. They'll experience a step out of their comfort zone that they can't experience anywhere else. They'll find themselves at a four-course dinner on the royal ship Britannia, at Holyroodhouse Palace or at St. James's Palace, and they'll get to interact with people they would never have met otherwise. In addition, they will make friends all over the world and get the chance to be involved in decision-making at the highest level. There are great colleagues in the international DofE and just working in their team is rewarding in itself.
Right now you can apply to be an International Youth Representative - to represent the DofE internationally and be involved in deciding the future of the programme!
Anyone who:
is 18 - 28 years old
is a gold level graduate (or currently has at least 70 %)
fluent in English
wants to take the enthusiasm for the DofE even further
What does the position entail?
youth representation in the DofE International Council
Participation in decision-making on inclusiveness and programme development
the opportunity to discuss topics that move the young generation
Anyone interested can nominate themselves on this site.
Attention, the application is open only until 28 February 2025!
What has the whole Emerging Leader experience given you? How do you evaluate almost three years?
Above all, this whole experience has shown me that age really is just a number - it doesn't matter whether you're talking to Prince Edward himself, donors from across England or members of Parliament. If you have something to say and have been through the programme yourself, your voice should be heard. But it also made me even more aware of how important it is to have the right people around you. If the international DofE team wasn't open to our ideas and supportive every step of the way, this role would never be what it is. All eight of us are led by Seren, who makes me feel safe, whether I'm in Spain or in the European Parliament. And it was only through this experience that I realised how crucial people like her are.
So how have you tried to promote the interests of young people?
A big part of our work was to find out what those interests actually are. We held several evening meetings and spoke to participants at various events. We've also been working a lot with DofE UK ambassadors. We have a dedicated place on the agenda within the International Council where we pass these interests on, open them up in networking and promote them at a regional level within the advocacy.
Do you see differences between the way young people and their participation are treated in different European countries?
In the European Youth Forum, I was able to talk to representatives of almost all European countries, and this was something that interested me. There are certainly differences between countries, but I see more of a difference in how seriously young people's opinions are taken. In some countries, young people have the opportunity to be part of consultation processes directly at government level. In Scotland, for example, we spoke to representatives of the Scottish Youth Parliament and young people have a lot of local organisations that facilitate their participation. However, in some parts of Europe there is still a feeling that young people should 'grow up first' before they are given the space to make decisions.
In order to apply for the role of International Youth Representative, one must have already completed, or be in the process of completing, the gold level. How did you get involved in the DofE?
I was brought to the DofE by my history teacher, whom I have always liked. And the fact that I'm a bit of a fool sometimes and want to try everything on offer. I generally jump headfirst into everything and the DofE was no exception.
Even finding out what you don't like is part of the DofE
You have completed all three levels in DofE - bronze, silver and gold. If you could pick one or two activities that have advanced you the most. What would they be?
I'm always happy to say that my sporting activity has pushed me the most. I chose running - and found that I actually didn't enjoy it very much. With hindsight, I realised that this is also part of the DofE - realising what you enjoy, but also what doesn't quite suit you.
I also like to joke that the DofE peeks out at me every chance I get.
I went to an educational institute as part of my volunteering, and I ended up focusing on it in my bachelor's thesis. With the band last year, we held a benefit concert where the girls from the institute baked cookies for the audience. And they also helped us finish the concert with the orchestra. I "only" gave them my time during the DofE, but they have given back thousands of times since.
What are the most important things you have learned in the DofE?
I've learned that being ambitious is great, but achieving all those great things is virtually impossible if you don't have the right people around you to support and cheer you on. I've also learned to know my limits and to ask for help when it's just too much. And that, for me, is perhaps the most valuable skill I've learned through the DofE.
Do you feel that you have changed or moved on as a result of the DofE?
Apart from the above, DofE has also given me the confidence and overall drive to step out of my comfort zone. It has practically become my new hobby. And I wish that for everyone!
You're currently finishing up a degree in psychology. What do you want to do in the future? And will you use some of your experience from the last three years?
I am currently doing an internship in a psychotherapy practice and I think that psychotherapy is the direction I would like to take in the future. At the same time, I am sure that I will continue to use the experience of the last three years - whether in advocacy, moderation, or whatever else comes next.
She comes from a small village in the east of Bohemia and is currently finishing her studies in psychology in Brno. In 2022 she was elected as one of two representatives from the EMAS region (European, Arab and Mediterranean countries) to the DofE International Council.