This page serves as a clear guide for DofE leaders and coordinators. It explains how to introduce the programme to young people, how to guide them through the induction, how to select activities, set objectives, collaborate, communicate and feedback, and overcome difficulties and celebrate successes.

Leaders will find downloadable documents that they can use straight away, or inspiration and ideas from other leaders and participants.

You may also find a simple step-by-step guide to implementing the DofE programme useful. 

Methodological materials

Schools and other organisations usually join the DofE at the beginning of the school year, but this is not a requirement, and it is possible to start at any time. In this section we summarise what is important to look out for and what to do before you start recruiting new participants. At this point, you should have your signed contract with the National DofE Centre and a welcome pack with basic material to promote the DofE.  

At this time you will also register trained DofE leaders and coordinators in the Online Record Book (ORB) application. More information about ORB can be found below.

It is also a good time to plan a recruitment talk or other form of reaching out to young people to offer them involvement. 


Leaflets and brochures

Engaging young people is an art nowadays, we realise that. That's why we've put together some recommendations and materials to help you reach them. Traditional and digital bulletin boards, the school website and social media work well as part of outreach and regular information.  You can also use recruitment presentation.

The comprehensive benefits of the DofE can best be understood at the stories of the graduates themselves. Many of them share their stories as ambassadors, helping to spread the good name of the DofE. Contact your Regional Manager or the coordinator if you would like to organise a talk with a DofE ambassador. 

Parents should also be aware of the DofE, which is why you can use the window at parent meetings. To communicate with parents, you can use the Letter to the parente. It could also be beneficial to involve the student parliament or the school council in communication at the school. 

Now is the time for those interested in completing bronze, silver or gold levels of the DofE to register for the Online Record Book (ORB). If they are under the age of 18, they will need consent of the legal representative. Registration is subject to payment of the participation fee. If the amount of the registration fee is a barrier to participation, please contact your Regional Manager. Together you will find a solution, because DofE is for everyone! 

In the DofE, each participant chooses their own path. They will need you as a guide if they are ever unsure. You may be surprised to know that for many participants this is the first time they have ever been asked what they would like to do that both entertains them and moves them somewhere. And the first time they get to choose their own destination, pace and how to record their journey.

At this stage, the participant chooses a DofE level, selects activities within 4 or 5 areas and sets their own goals to achieve.

It is not easy for young people to choose activities, sometimes there is a lack of ideas or inspiration. They can get tips from you and other dofaks who share their stories on Instagram a Facebook DofE.

What I can do in DofE

The Online Record Book (ORB) is an application used by DofE leaders and coordinators, assessors and expedition leaders. The ORB is also used by participants, for whom the ORB is a notebook of important milestones in achieving their goals, a space to record observations about themselves and the whole DofE journey.  

Both training and live expeditions and ceremonies are entered into the ORB. For the DofE leader and coordinator, it is a list of participants currently completing one of the levels, an overview of how they are doing along the way, and one tool to provide feedback to participants. 

ORB questions and answers

Starting is usually easier than persisting. Your role will be crucial in keeping motivation up, in support when goals start to drift away, in feedback that can recharge the batteries.

You can use the WhatsApp, Teams or Google Classroom. You can meet one-on-one or as a group. ORB records are often a good source of information on how participants are doing. When they are dwindling, it doesn't necessarily mean that the doofak or dofaka has decided to quit. It may also signal an overload at school, illness or other situation. It is good to communicate openly about this.

The expedition is the only team activity in the programme DofE and requires the close cooperation of the group Dofaku a dofačekwho plan and implement the expedition together, as well as you, the expedition leaders and evaluators. The actual "live" expedition is preceded by expedition training and a training expedition. An expedition is meant to be a step out of your comfort zone, but always withwith an emphasis on the safety and security of all participants. Useful documents and materials can be downloaded below.

You can rent a GPS tracker from Onisystem for the expedition. For more information, please visit Web site.
How to rent a tracker?

  1. Please send your request with the number of GPS trackers to at least 14 days in advance.
  2. The company will prepare units for you, access to web and mobile applications.
  3. The units will be sent by PPL carrier to the address of your choice.
  4. The package contains the selected number of units and a charger to switch on the units. The units will be fully charged. Units will last 4-7 days in operation.
  5. After the event, send the units back to the agreed address.
  6. The price of the loan is 100,-CZK without VAT/unit for the whole loan period + postage.

The residential project is an essential part of the gold level programme and it is also an area that is one of the biggest challenges for the participants. Again, they are doing the residential project on their own and they would welcome your help, especially in directing them to organisations through which the residential project can be completed.

Tips and recommendations can be viewed HERE

Although the DofE is not just an award, recognising the success of every DofA and DofA student is extremely important. A prerequisite for attending the ceremony is the completion of all ORB activities and the checking of their entries. Ceremony dates will be announced in due course, as well as information on how and by when to enter DofAs and Dofacs on the website: Ceremonies

The ceremony is also an appreciation of your work and the support of the participants. Enjoy it.

You are having trouble getting a level approved or entering a rating. See: ORB questions and answers or write to

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